Asian Mathematical Champions League (AMCL) is one of the new mathematics competitions among the Asian countries. The contest was first held in 2019 and the question frameworks are designed based on the general mathematics syllabus in most of the Asian countries. As AMCL became increasingly popular among students, the contest has spread to more and more Asian countries, and has further expanded in online mode to students from non-Asian countries around the world.
亞洲數學聯賽盃(AMCL)是亞洲國家間新興的數學競賽之一。 該競賽於2019年首次舉辦,題目框架是根據亞洲大多數國家的通用數學教學大綱設計的。 隨著AMCL越來越受到學生的歡迎,比賽已經蔓延到越來越多的亞洲國家,並以在線的方式進一步擴大到全球非亞洲國家的學生。
亚洲数学联赛杯(AMCL)是亚洲国家间新兴的数学竞赛之一。 该竞赛于2019年首次举办,题目框架是根据亚洲大多数国家的通用数学教学大纲设计的。 随着AMCL越来越受到学生的欢迎,比赛已经蔓延到越来越多的亚洲国家,并以在线的方式进一步扩大到全球非亚洲国家的学生。